Attention 1Medical doctors

 If you are currently working or worked with us and have pictures from your locum experiences, send in your traveling pictures for a chance to win a gift voucher!

The best picture will be chosen and will receive a $500 gift voucher or a donation to a charity of your choice!


To enter:

  • Email your pictures to or to your consultant.
  • Please include your full name and the location of the picture/s.
  • Competition closes on 30.09.24

Good luck to all our participants, we are excited to see your travel pictures and locum experiences!


Terms and conditions: 

By entering the competition, the participant agrees to the 1Medical Photo Competition 2024 terms and conditions. Participants agree the pictures can be used for company marketing materials including online, print media and posted across social media channels. Each image must be original photograph produced by the participant. Entries that breach these terms and conditions will have their entry/entries removed from the photo competition. By entering the competition, the application grants the use of credited images on our website, newsletter, social media channels or any marketing collateral to promote the photo competition at any time. The participant may enter as many images as they like into the competition. Only new photo entries are applicable, previous entries cannot be re-entered. The winner will be notified and chosen at the end of October 2024.